Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Expert Residential Roofing Services in Eden Prairie

MN Contractor Pros is an Eden Prairie roofing contractor in the Twin Cities Metro area that can help protect your home from weather damage, deterioration, and unsafe Eden Prairie roof installation. As your reputable Eden Prairie roofing contractor, we ensure your roof does its job - protecting you and your family from leaks, intense weather, and structural damage that can ...

Why Choose MN Contractor Pros?

When you live in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, you know that the weather can fluctuate a lot. One day it's shorts weather and the next day you're reaching for your fleece jacket. Enjoy the feeling of being outside without the uncomfortable weather conditions with ...

Custom-Designed Decks

When the weather is nice in Minnesota, it’s really nice! You want to get outside and enjoy it. That can mean backyard cookouts, evenings by a fire pit, or even a soak in the hot tub on a winter’s evening. Having a great deck opens up possibilities for ...

Exterior Home Remodeling

One of the best things about living in Minnesota is that you have four distinct seasons. However, as a homeowner, you may have noticed that those seasons can wreak havoc on parts of your house. When it comes to choosing a home remodeling contractor for your Eden Prairie home, you want ...