Lakeland, Minnesota

Expert Residential Roofing Services in Lakeland

At MN Contractor Pros, we offer a wide range of services - from exterior concerns to interior remodeling. And while we take every homeowner’s concern seriously, we also understand the critical importance of a safe and well-maintained roof. MN Contractor Pros is your premier Lakeland roofing company. We are fully committed to addressing any roofing concern you have, including shingle ...

Designed for Your Lifestyle

When the weather gets nice in Lakeland, Minnesota, it gets really nice. You want to get outside and enjoy it. But, if your home doesn't have a deck or you have a deck that doesn't suit your needs, you may not love spending time in your outdoor living space ...

The MN Contractor Pros Process

Who says you can’t have it all? In Lakeland, Minnesota, you get the best of small town living with all the big city attractions just a short drive away. Plus, the beautiful St. Croix River offers amazing views. You love where you live, and at MN Contractor Pros, we want ...